Sunday 24 April 2016

Re: Kogi State In The Hands Of Kindergarten. LIES LIES LIES The PDPigs Way By Atuluku Levi. (AVL)

Hon. Atuluku Levi
I have read with amusement a piece replete with lies being peddled around against Governor Yahaya Bello by some ignorant nitwit laying claims to the homo sapien family with normal humans.
The petty lies of the pseudonymous Rekiya Adams should ordinarily not be dignified with a response but for the threat such retards pose to the many impressionable minds out there. Without wasting as much space as the procreation space which resulted in the Rekiya element, I shall debunk these petty lies.

Lie #1. That the Governor led a 17-person delegation to China. And that one of them can neither read not write.
Response: We have seen pictures shared by the team that went to China and unless the quantitative reasoning ability of Rekiya and its cohorts is a casualty of the 16 years of PDP misrule at the centre, it should know by now that 4 people and not 17 went on the investment drive to China. And they were led by the Special Adviser to the Governor on Finance, Economy, Commerce and Investment, a chartered accountant and fellow of Chartered Institute of Bankers. Could it be him who can neither read nor write? Or maybe it is the Accountant General of the State who is another chartered accountant? Perhaps it is Adoga Ibrahim, the Special Adviser to the Governor on Multilateral Relations, Donor Agencies and Special Projects. A well read, well travelled international relations guru with international contacts. Rekiya says it's a man. But since the three males in the group have been cleared, lest it be said it might be Petra Onyegbule, the SSA to the Governor on Electronic Media is a social development worker with a strong bias for advocacy who herself is a nightmare to PDP e-rats. Rekiya should have confined its idiocy within forgivable limits and not touch on an event that has resulted in the signing of agreements poised to bring foreign direct investments worth billions of dollars to Kogi State.

Lie #2: That Governor "nicodemously" donated 70 million naira at the launch of Mrs Aisha Buhari's book.
Response: Firstly, some education will be in order as my way of giving back to society. What is nicodemus about an event which was televised and extensively reported on? I can understand that Rekiya and its ilk cannot fathom the truth that no such donation was made. Let us even assume for the sake of argument that the Governor did indeed make such a donation, should any condemnation of this be heard from any PDP member or sympathizer knowing that proceeds from the book launch go to support the rehabilitation of Internally Displaced Persons and families of slaughtered Buni Yadi boys whom such was their lot as a result of gross ineptitude and an insatiable appetite for corruption of the past administration? How PDP's children of perdition and their minions came about their claim that Governor Bello made their claimed donation would have been befuddling were it not so pathetically irrelevant. That some have selective amnesia does not mean we all suffer from the same affliction. Had the 2.1 billion dollars meant for fighting terrorism not been disbursed to PDP e-rats by the Dasuki ATM, would there have been any need for this baseless argument about donations? What a bunch of shameless, criminally minded and conscienceless people who should ordinarily hide their heads in shame, but are yapping all over the place under the pretext of advocating for good governance like they could ever understand the concept even if their lives depended on it. What a joke!

Lie #3: That Governor Bello's appointees all stay in Reverton Hotel costing the State 50,000 naira per night even though same appointees have not been paid salaries since they assumed office.
Response: There are only 5 political appointees staying at Reverton at a cost of 15,000 naira per night and the state could have gotten a discount of 3,000 naira per night had the Governor agreed to pay in cash. But this was declined as it runs contrary to the Governor's commitment to transparency and accountability. Political appointees of the Governor not having been paid their salaries is because they are not more special than civil servants who were owed for several months by the past administration. Perhaps, if Rekiya and its paymasters were not in coma then, by now political appointees would not be owed while Governor Bello pays civil servants for two months as he waits for bailout to settle outstanding salaries which are part of the liabilities from the past administration.

The talk of appointees hobnobbing with ladies of easy virtue is too base for dignity of any sort. Let's leave trash for LAWMA, please.

3. On pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Rekiya claimed Governor Bello is enroute Saudi Arabia with 17 people. Well no need rehashing the disclaimer on the number. What I find curious is why it is a big deal if the Governor has gone to pray to God in accordance with his religion. It says the Governor claims to emulate President Buhari but erred by not going to Mecca alone. President Buhari did not go to Mecca alone, nor is Governor Bello sponsoring pilgrims from the state's coffers. But then, what would Rekiya know? Many things are evidently As beyond its thinking capacity. As the Governor continues to clear the rot Kogi is in, he has got Rekiya and its paymasters in different clusters to contend with. Since he believes only in the ultimate power of the Supreme God, Governor Bello has decided to take the cases of these principalities to Him in prayer knowing His judgment has got no appeal and He is not bribeable. Rekiya, tell your masters and their cohorts to repent or get ready to be burnt by the fire of God. It is hot oh!

Lie #4. On eyeing wife number 4.

Response : LOL! Rekiya,Are you scheming to be the fourth? if you were of human standard, I would have advised you to apply. The governor is young, capable in every capacity and well within his rights if he so wishes. Ludicrous how those who do not find it a such big deal that some governors have a wife but as many concubines as can reflect the spirit of the federal character make so much hubristic noise over a fit and agile 40 year old taking a fourth wife if he so wishes. What is your own? Why take panadol for another man's headache?

Let it be known that Governor Bello is focused in delivering on promises he made to Kogites. Not only are salary payments taken seriously by this administration, improvement of living standards is a priority as is evident in the upscaling of some health facilities in the state to reduce maternal and child mortality not to talk of road rehabilitation projects. We are expecting foreign direct investments worth billions of dollars. Every right thinking person knows the positive implication of this.

Those who have made it a point of duty to manufacture and spread lies about the administration of Governor Bello can continue to but we shall counter their lies with nothing but the truth. In fact, they should bring more of their kindergarten lies. But I want them to know that our governor's father is God and because one with God is a majority, those of us for the Governor and for progress are more than those against us.

Under Governor Yahaya Bello, Kogi shall be great again and anyone who stands in the way shall be crushed by the Almighty. He who has ears let him hear but the dog destined to be lost needs not heed the sound of the hunter's bugle.

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