Tuesday 5 July 2016


 It was indeed the gathering of Kogi state stakeholders on the 4th of July, 2016 at glass house in the Kogi state government house, Lokoja.
 From the youth  to the market women, the academic community, the labour unions, members of the financial institutions, security agencies, royal fathers, political appointees, religious leaders, the legislatures to the civil societies, non governmental organizations, media outfits and many other representatives of various sectors where adequately represented at the meeting.

The meeting became necessary to clear the air and set the record straight as regards insinuations that are rife in the polity and also to brief the public on the journey so far. We would recall that on the 27th of January 2016, the government of Governor Yahaya Bello took flight , 8 month to the silver jubilee of the state, as at then, the condition of Kogi state economy and polity can best be described as, passed-out, used up and comatose. Of late, the state has come under intense attack from forces within, aided and abetted by forces without, who have been trying to cause disaffection within ethnic lines and bring about divide and rule strategies to bare in the state. It therefore became imperative to have this meeting to bring everything bare before all stakeholders in Kogi state government, the Chief of Staff to the governor, Hon David Edward Onoja reiterated in his opening remarks.

Key sectors of the government where invited to give concise presentations on discoveries and facts to the good people of Kogi state. The presentation session was opened by the Commissioner for Finance, Hon Idris Asiru

The commissioner for finance gave the Federal government allocation breakdown from inception of this administration in contrast to what the state government and Local governments receives in the previous administration.

Table 1
3.49 Billion
2.5 Billion
3.49 Billion
2.5 Billion
3.658 Billion
2.2 Billion
2. 801 Billion
2.017 Billion
2. 620 Billion
1.916 Billion
5.4 Billion
1.8 Billion
22. 85 Billion
13,118 Billion
* State Government Allocation

The difference between these figures is 9.732 Billion and despite the 22.85 billion, the past government still left 3 unpaid months for the incoming government to pay.

Table 2
3 Billion
2.1 Billion
2.6 Billion
2.0 Billion
2.6 Billion
1.8 Billion
2.3 Billion
1.6 Billion
2. 1Billion
1.5 Billion
2. 4Billion
1.5 Billion
15.0  Billion
10.5  Billion
** Local Government Allocation

With the above tables, it is obvious to all that the state and local government allocations from the Federal government have been on the decline compared to what was obtainable last year during previous administration. This of cause has caused untold hardship for the government of the day as payment of salaries and development of the state has become a problem. Why is this so? THE WAGE BILL OF THE STATE

Table 3
Allocation 2016
Wage Bill 2016
2.5 Billion
2.771 Billion
2.5 Billion
2.771 Billion
2.2 Billion
2.771 Billion
2.017 Billion
2.771 Billion
1.916 Billion
2.771 Billion
1.8 Billion
2.771 Billion
13,118 Billion
16, 626 Billion
*** 2016 Allocation vs Wage bill

With the above table, it would be seen that there is a difference of 3.5 Billion which the state government needs to source for to be able to pay all salaries. The Internally generated revenue (IGR) of Kogi state revenue board has been dangling between 250 million to 300 million. Let us peg it at 300 Million, for 6 months will accrue to 1.8 Billion. Subtract 1.8 Billion from the 3.5 Billion naira difference; the state would still be short of a billion plus to pay it workers. WHAT THEN NEEDS TO BE DONE? The state has decided to do the following:
1)      Increase the state’s IGI
2)      Block leakages
3)      Remove Ghost within the civil service

The major reasons why LGA’s in the state are paying percentage to its staff is not far fetched , the problem is, the allocation coming from the FGN cannot match the number of employees at the LGA levels. It has been discovered for example that 40% of the LGA employees are redundant while 40 % are ghost. How on earth can the department of Finance in a local government area, Ajaokuta LGA to be precise have 400 workers? Lets imagine how many workers would be in its other departments then imagine how much would be needed to pay Ajaokuta LGA staff alone. 

If all the allocation that comes into a state is gulped by its civil servants that constitute just 10% of the 3.5 billion population of Kogi state, how would the 90% of Kogites left feel the impact of the government? What would be used for development? 

So far so good, 55 of the 58 MDA’s (Ministry Departments and Agencies) have been paid the first round of salaries, except Teaching Service Commission where there are some hitches to clear. The second round of 3 months payment to all MDA’s , except those that were paid 4 full months previouslys has commenced.

The chairman o the screening committee Mr Abaji said about 24,208 forms were sent out, 22,275 returned for screening. 22,242 teachers where also screened with 3,054 discovered to be ghost. 9720 pensioners didn’t show up for screening. He stated that 2 list would eventually be released, the cleared and un-cleared list with their peculiarities. He appealed to the Governor to set up review committees to look into problems of genuine workers who either by omission or human error were removed from the payroll with the sole aim of verifying their claims and them re-absorbing them if their claims were found to be genuine.   

The duo of Hon Yusuf Okara Auditor General to the state and Hon Ododo Auditor General to the LGA did justice to their presentation. The revelations of this due are quite startling, troubling and worrisome. The state is in total mess from the hands of ghost workers and their accomplices, their revelations have been tagged “tip of the ice berg” meaning when the can of worm is fully opened, people would weep for our dear state.

1)      40 unscreened forms were cleared and inputted into the screened list
2)      118 cleared forms were not captured in the cleared and uncleared list

College of Education (COE) Ankpa
3)      In the College of Education Ankpa, one Mr. Oroko David was cleared. He was 65 years old and started working since 1976, haven spent 39 years in service
4)      In the same school, there were 201 uncleared forms were captured into the database

On Kogi State University
5)      The terms of reference states that people employed between 2015 should not be screened. 346 of such persons where cleared
6)      161 Adhoc staff were also cleared as pensionable staff

On Kogi State Polytechnic
7)      78 forms that were not to be screened where cleared.
8)      3 contract staff were cleared as permanent pensionable staff
9)      KSP’s staff strength increased by 1200 and so there is a need to do staff auditing for the school

The governor while giving his speech likened Kogi state to a sick man who has a cancerous growth growing at an alarming rate and needs an emergency surgical operation to remove such growth else the man will die!  The problem of Kogi state was caused by us Kogite. You cannot be looking at the way your state is messed up and say you are on the fence. Its either you are for the development and progress of the state or against it.

He stated that there are lot of rumors milling around about him and the good people of Kogi state “ we may not be going about solving Kogi’s problem the best way to those who have ruined kogi state, but I will not be intimidated, cowed or pushed to concede to their demands or plans” he stated.

I know this is where majority of persons are waiting to hear from me and I would try in all honesty to be sincere in my reportage.

What are the requests of KSU ASUU in the first place? Correct me if I am wrong
1)      That all salaries areas be paid
2)      That they should have waivers on PAYEE and rebate

The governor then asked,
1)      How much is your IGR at KSU
2)      Do I know how you spend your revenue?
3)      Do I know how you spend funds from bodies like TETFUND?

“I haven’t bothered about all these, yet on assumption of office, this government cleared all outstanding owned by previous government stated the Governor. He further stated that when KSU ASUU met with him, he told them not to worry, no need to drag this issue, government will show goodwill to the body and after clearing the previous 3 months owed by the past administration, the Governor still went ahead to pay 4 full months to the striking lecturers as at when the salaries owned were 5 months (while other civil servants were receiving one month salary) and it was with a promise to the lecturer to pay the rest as soon as more money comes in. yet the striking lecturers wont care.

That aside, the striking lecturers are asking the state government to grant them a waiver on their PAYEE (tax). What is a waiver? a waiver the act of intentionally relinquishing or abandoning a known right. With this definition it means that the tax that the lecturers are asking the government to stop removing is the RIGTH OF GOVERNMENT as stipulated by law. The PAYEE forms an integral part of the state government’s Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) if the state government accept to this term, it means the IGR of the state would further drop and in the face of the continuous dwindling Federal Government Allocation to the state which is not even enough to pay salaries of its civil servants tackles of developments, the state would be thrown into further penury and cannot afford to do that at this time.

The governor stated that, eventually, the lecturers would have nothing to loose, because their entitlements would be paid to them in due course but the student have a lot to loose, aside loosing a semester , losing going NYSC this year, they may be asked by the same school to pay additional fees, landlords would collect additional money for extra stay etc and so he said in the interest of the students and parents, haven met 80% of the striking lecturers demands without writing any agreement, the lecturers should return back to school and attend to their students as soon as possible. The government has shown the lecturers goodwill, it is also good to reciprocate and shit ground while talk can be on going.

We held a meeting with them where I explained the need to do a through screening to weed out ghosts within the civil service. I then asked them, if the way I am going about the whole is not the right way, can you please proffer a better way to go about it and get back to me. The next I saw was STRIKE NOTICE from the NLC.

I say it again with all sense of responsibility, haven swore with the holy Quran and the constitutional of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, no genuine worker would loose his job.

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